

96 Uppsatser om Unaccompanied minors - Sida 1 av 7

Välkommen till den Europeiska Unionen : en litteraturstudie om ensamkommande barn i EU

Unaccompanied minors who are fleeing and being sent way from their countries of origin are nothing new. In 2011, 12 225 Unaccompanied minors where registered in The European Union, none undocumented minors included. Most of the minors are coming from Afghanistan and Somalia. The aim of this essay is to investigate how The European Union?s migration policies are applied in reality and how United Nation?s Convention on the Right of Children are put in practice by the member states of The European Union and Norway.

Ensam i Europa? En studie om mottagande- och anpassningsprocessen för ensamkommande barn i Europa, med utgångspunkt i Italien

In the last decade the Italian authorities have tried to adapt themselves to a united European asylum system, in the European Union, through the adoption of legal reforms, intended to improve the conditions of asylum seekers in Italy. Despite these reforms, asylum seekers and refugee?s living conditions are far from covered. The aim of this study is to explore the different functions of social work in the Italian reception process regarding Unaccompanied minors and their implications on the wellbeing of the Unaccompanied minors. This study was conducted through several interviews with both social workers, which in some way worked with Unaccompanied minors, and the Unaccompanied minors themselves.

Skolan, en viktig del i ensamkommande flyktingbarns socialisation

AbstractThe purpose of our study is to reach an understanding of the situation of unaccompanied refugee minors in school. Thus the study aims to investigate what sort of possibilities and limits they encounter when going through their school education. We have chosen a qualitative method and conducted interviews with four persons between the ages of 18 and 21 years.The result of the study shows that unaccompanied refugee minors experience numerous limitations and lesser possibilities than other students, which prevents their educational and social development. The limitations partly depend on the school personnels lack of knowledge about this target group, and partly on the difficulty of dealing with a new culture which is different from the students original culture.  An important conclusion that our study has shown is that the educational system has a great impact on how well the students manage to function in the new society later on.  Therefore it is of great importance that the teachers have access to competence development , since this is of substantial importance for the  unaccompanied refugee minors development and socialization. .

Betydelsefulla faktorer för ensamkommande barn : En kvalitativ studie om faktorer som påverkar ensamkommande flyktingbarns liv

The aim of this study is to examine which factors in the receiving-country that have had an influence on three now adult unaccompanied refugee children. The method used in the study is qualitative interviews with the three above-mentioned participants. The results show that some factors are perceived as helpful, having a positive influence on the participants life while other factors are perceived as worsening, having a negative influence on their life. Depending on the context some factors such as age, the Swedish language and housing arrangements have had both positive and negative influences on their life. Positive factors are among other things: access to good treatment and support, help with processing trauma and bad mental health, help with understanding coherence, access to a social network, family reunification, resilience and other internal factors.

?Våra långväga vänner": folkbibliotekarierna och de ensamkommande barnen

Purpose: The purpose of the study reported in this thesis is to addto the knowledge concerning what public librarians do to meet theneeds of unaccompanied asylum-seeking minors, thereby helpingthem to develop and establish themselves in a new environment.What tasks, activities and tools do the librarians have at theirdisposal? What problems do they encounter? What values, normsand attitudes guide their work? Method: The thoughts andexperiences of six public librarians have been captured throughqualitative semi-structured interviews, the result of which has beenthematically analysed using notions of social capital and socialexclusion. Findings: Unaccompanied asylum-seeking minors facea number of challenges which the public library with its librarians,collections and various activities can assist in coping with byproviding the children with opportunities to increase their socialcapital and decrease the risk of social exclusion. Researchlimitations: It has for several reasons proven difficult to studyunaccompanied asylum-seeking children as a distinct group, whichis why this study also uses material that deals with refugees as awhole. A significant amount of the latter are undeniablyUnaccompanied minors, an especially exposed and vulnerable typeof refugees.

Mötet med det svenska samhället : En kvalitativ studie med fem unga vuxna som kommit till Sverige som ensamkommande asylsökande barn

The aim of this study was to reach an understanding of how young adults with permanent residence permit, who came to Sweden as unaccompanied asylum seeking minors, experience their confrontation with the Swedish society. Another purpose was to understand how these young adults view Sweden and its inhabitants, as well as the experience of starting a new life in Sweden. In order to investigate these questions, a qualitative method consisting of five interviews with five young men was conducted.The results showed that the respondents feared the meeting with the immigration board and that they feel that school is divided in two groups, Swedes and immigrants. People with nonethnic Swedish background who have lived in Sweden for a long time are seen as Swedes, and in that meaning assimilated. One important conclusion we made was that the division between Swedes and immigrants have a negative influence on the immigrants´ integration in the society.

Socialt arbete med ensamkommande flyktingbarn : En kvalitativ studie om hur socialarbetare upplever det tvärkulturella arbetet med ensamkommande flyktingbarn

The purpose of this study was to examine how some social workers in Sweden describe the social work with unaccompanied children. Emphasis was on the role of culture in social work with the unaccompanied children. I wanted to examine how the social workers describe their view on social work with unaccompanied. I also wanted to examine how the social workers describe their view at their own and the unaccompanied children?s cultural backgrounds influence on the social work with the unaccompanied.

Socialsekreterarens betydelse för ensamkommande flyktingbarns integrationsprocess

The aim of this study was to develop knowledge about the social workers' importance for unaccompanied children's integration in the Swedish society. In order to investigate this we also have to distinguish other people who are important for the unaccompanied children. The method used in the study is qualitative interviews and we have interviewed four unaccompanied children and three social workers to reach the results. To analyze the results we have used symbolic interactionism and Antonovsky's theory about sence of coherence. The results showed that it is important for unaccompanied children to have access to significant people to integrate and they also have to learn values and attitudes which exist in the society.

Ungdomsinflytande i Örnsköldsviks kommun : En tematisk analys om ungas möjlighet till ökat inflytande i Örnsköldsvik

This study is based on three focus group interviews with minors living in Örnsköldsviks municipality. The aim is to investigate what minor individuals want to gain more influence in that concerns their citizenship rights. It also aims to investigate what obstacles there is in their surroundings that prevent them from influencing it. I have conducted semi-structured interviews with the focus groups. The theoretical framework consist of T.H Marshalls theories about citizenship, with the division of civil, political and social rights.

Mellan hopp och förtvivlan En rättslig studie om socialnämndens utredningsförfarande i ärende om ensamkommande barn

The purpose of our research is to explore the investigation process of the cases of unaccompanied children by the social authorities. We present both national and international legal documents which are of importance to subject we have chosen. We also aim to study how these are put into practice by social authorities. This can help us to identify the problems and shortcomings in social authorities` practices in dealing with unaccompanied children?s cases.

Utan dig och mig är det ingenting : En kvalitativ studie om projektet Vimmerbymodellens betydelse för ensamkommande ungdomar

The aim of this study has been to investigate the significance of the newly started project Vimmerbymodellen for unaccompanied young refugees. This regarding to how the unaccompanied young refugees are participating in creating networks and meeting points in the local community. Vimmerbymodellen is described as an integration project where the nonprofit sector collaborates with the municipality. The empirical material has been collected through semi-structured qualitative interviews where five unaccompanied young refugees and four involved adults have been interviewed. The empirical material from these interviews has thereafter been analyzed through the concept of social capital, identity and empowerment.The main result of this study shows that participation in the project is expected to contribute to the creation of networks and meeting points which has significance for unaccompanied young refugees.

Arbetet med ensamkommande barn : En kvalitativ studie ur ett personalperspektiv

Unaccompanied children that arrives in Sweden are usually placed in homes for care and residence, called HVB. It is the municipality's responsibility to provide adequate care and protection for the children. The aim of the study is to examine how a workgroup on a HVB home for unaccompanied children is working to meet the needs of the children, and how the workgroup improves the children?s integration process. The study also aims to examine the emotional labour of the workgroup, which illustrates how they can manage their own emotional behavior when working with the unaccompanied children.The study is based on a qualitative approach with detailed descriptions of five semi-structured interviews with the workgroup and assistant managers.

Ensamkommande flyktingbarn i media : - en diskursanalys

This research intends to study the media's representation of unaccompanied refugee children on the basis that the media has a power in the construction of society. The focus is on whether children's vulnerability and needs are presented in the media and whether the children?s voices are heard. It is also of interest to study the agents that speak in the media concerning unaccompanied refugee children. The study is based on a theory that social reality is a construction of interaction between individuals and groups. Furthermore the study also incorporate the idea that the media, through its control of language, has power to create discourses which may affect the way different groups in society are looked upon.

Integrationens villovägar : En kvalitativ studie om hur personal på HVB-hem för ensamkommande barn beskriver barnens integration i samhället.

This study discloses Swedish human service organizations and their methods of integrating unaccompanied children into the Swedish society. The purpose of the study is to investigate how social workers at HVB-homes for unaccompanied children depict their experience in and knowledge of how the unaccompanied children are integrated into Swedish society. The method of investigating the questions raised by the purpose of this thesis has been qualitative analysis of answers derived from interviewing personnel at HVB-homes for unaccompanied children. In doing so we have made use of a semi-structured method of interviewing the above-mentioned personnel. The data derived from these interviews has thereafter been analysed and filtered through the concept of integration and the theoretical formations human service organizations and street-level bureaucrats.

Säljytan - En studie om hur butikschefer arbetar med butikens säljyta

Unaccompanied children that arrives in Sweden are usually placed in homes for care and residence, called HVB. It is the municipality's responsibility to provide adequate care and protection for the children. The aim of the study is to examine how a workgroup on a HVB home for unaccompanied children is working to meet the needs of the children, and how the workgroup improves the children?s integration process. The study also aims to examine the emotional labour of the workgroup, which illustrates how they can manage their own emotional behavior when working with the unaccompanied children.The study is based on a qualitative approach with detailed descriptions of five semi-structured interviews with the workgroup and assistant managers.

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